Thursday, September 11, 2008

Supersize Me, Please.

We try to eat healthy, we really do. Our lunches are packed every day with a careful balance of fruit, veggies, dairy, and breads. I found out today, however, that these things do not satisfy Junior. They provide him with great nutrients to help him grow, this is true. But they do not get rid of that persnickity stomache growl that haunts me so. Lest you think that I am doomed to broccoli and carrots and growls for the rest of my preganancy, let me assure you that I have found the magical food that takes care of all such woes: Jack in the Box Seasoned Curly French Fries. Large, of course. And they really could make those larges a little, well, larger. I do realize, however, that if I continue to eat them whenever my tummy growls that I will get, well, larger. But, I hear that these things do happen when growing a person inside of you. And advice from books and friends doesn't really help. Some say, "You're not eating for two! Don't think that way!" While others claim, "Shoot, girl. Gain that weight. Your baby needs it. You can lose it later." I feel like there is a little pregnant angel on one shoulder and a little pregnant devil on the other. I'm not sure which of them is giving what advice, but I'm leaning toward the "Shoot, girl" portion. I've really never been so hungry in all of my life....ALL THE TIME. So, if you're the baking type and want to send some yummy cookies my way, you know where to find me!!!!!

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